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Default checkout pages are not designed to convince prospects to take the next step. They are only designed to capture payments. But the high checkout abandonment rate suggests that people need to be pushed off the fence. Aero checkout pages do exactly that through its 6 credibility-boosting components.

Use Form Builder To Create Multi-Step Checkout Forms & Reduce Friction

One of the most effective ways to lower your checkout form abandonment rate is to make the form appear shorter.

It lowers user anxiety.

Ask for more important details like name and email first followed by more detailed information.

Add Reassuring Copy To Address All Sales-Blocking Objections

Out of all your visitors, those who make it to the checkout page are most interested in your product.

But they may have last-minute objections related to shipping, product quality, prices or secure payment processing.

Use this opportunity to address those objections and cease the deal.

Seal The Deal With Confidence-Boosting Testimonials/Reviews

Prospects may tune out sales messages but they’re wired to respond positively to user testimonials. Aero automatically pulls up reviews from product pages and even lets you add testimonials

You can increase conversion by up to 21% with this hack alone!

Give a Solid Fear-Alleviating Satisfaction Guarantee

Well-crafted satisfaction guarantees are seen as a sign of quality customer service.

They show that you prioritize the customer experience over pure transactions and are confident about your product.

Guarantees can increase sales by up to 81%

Arrest last-minute fears with a promise of prompt customer support

Let your customers know that you’re available for support. They may never need to call but just knowing that there’s a real person behind the brand boosts customer confidence. So use the prime real estate on the checkout page to highlight your support desk details.

Display trust badges for a safe & secure checkout experience

Trust badges make consumers feel safe about giving their credit card information. In fact they even make users feel safe about placing larger orders.

Use trust seals for quality, satisfaction, secure payment processing & safe information.


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