Gravity Forms Breeze



Gravity Forms Breeze Add-On Organize and track everything with Breeze, a project management platform that will increase your team’s efficiency. And with the Gravity Forms Breeze Add-On, you can further streamline your processes by adding new form submissions as Breeze Cards, directly to a project board.

Create Efficient Workflows

With Breeze you can easily organize, plan, and track project progress, prioritizing tasks and managing your team’s workload with ease. Create project boards that break tasks down into stages, assign tasks to team members and add deadlines, helping everyone stay on track.

Streamline Your Processes

The Gravity Forms Breeze Add-On enables you to automatically add new form submissions as tasks to your Breeze project boards. Don’t waste time manually entering the information received through your forms, let our add-on do that for you! For each new form submission received, a new Breeze Card will be created and added to the project board of your choice. You can select a name for each card, add a description, assign the tasks to individual team members, set due dates, and more, enabling you to easily streamline your workflows. Top features include…

  • Automation – A new Breeze Card is automatically created when a new form is submitted, fully immersing the new form entry into your workflows.
  • Control Over Settings – Select a Breeze Project board and list that you would like new cards submitted to, and add a card name and description to help you identify new tasks.
  • Assign Members – Assign each new card to a team member so no form submission or new task gets overlooked.
  • Due Date – Add a custom due date to each new card created, ensuring no task deadlines are missed.

Implement Conditional Logic

The Breeze Add-On works with Gravity Forms’ built-in conditional logic functionality, enabling you to set conditions on form submissions, only creating new Breeze Cards if the conditions are met and giving you control over the data added to your workflows.


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