How it Works
After installing and activating the plugin, the system will automatically send a notification to the member 7 days prior to their next subscription payment date. You can adjust this interval via the pmpro_upcoming_recurring_payment_reminder filter.
- PMPro Plus members can install the add on from the Memberships > Add Ons admin page.
- Or, download the plugin and upload the ‘pmpro-recurring-emails’ directory to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory of your site.
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
Running a Test
Site administrators can test this Add On without actually sending any emails to the user. To fully leverage this testing feature, enable debugging and error logging as described in this article. This method will output data about what the Recurring Emails Add On is doing to your site’s debug log. You must be logged in to your site admin in order to initiate a test. Once logged in, navigate to your site’s WordPress admin url with the variable.
Adjusting the Recurring Email Interval
By default, the system will automatically send a notification to the member 7 days prior to their next subscription payment date. You can adjust this timeframe or add additional notifications using the pmpro_upcoming_recurring_payment_reminder filter. The filter uses an array ($rec_array) to control how many days prior to the recurring payment due date a reminder is sent and what email template to send. The default email is ‘membership_recurring’. For example: array ( 30 => ‘membership_recurring’, ) will send the email template ‘membership_recurring’ 30 days prior to the recurring payment due date. You can add multiple reminders by adding to the array as follows: array ( 30 => ‘membership_recurring’, 14 => ‘membership_recurring’, 7 => ‘ membership_recurring’). This code will send an initial reminder at 30 days out, then again at 14 and a final reminder 7 days before.
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