SearchWP Custom Results Order



SKU WP6320 Category Tags ,

SearchWP Custom Results Order by using this you can apply your own, hand curated influence on search results sets.

SearchWP’s algorithm does a great job returning results based on relevance, but there are times when you may want certain entries to appear at the top of search results for specific search queries. Custom Results Order can do just that.

You’re able to add a search query and engine “trigger” which will then display the results for that search. Using the available controls you can promote an entry to the top spot. With that promotion in place that result will always be the top result, regardless of calculated weight.

You can promote multiple results for each search query if you’d like, and you can also re-promote an entry if things get out of order.

There’s no limit to the number of triggers you can add when using Custom Results Order, if there are cases where you want to be sure that a certain result is the top result, this extension will get the job done.


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