WooCommerce Per Product Shipping allows you to define different shipping costs for products, based on customer location. These costs can be added to other shipping methods (requires WC 2.0), or used as a standalone shipping method. Define shipping costs per-product and per-variation Per product shipping allows you to define different shipping costs for products, based on customer location. Costs can be added to other shipping methods, or used as a standalone shipping method.
- Define line and per-item costs per product
- Define line and per-item costs per variation
- Costs can vary depending on the destination
- Import and export rates via the built-in simple CSV handler
- Use as a standalone shipping method, where the final cost is the sum of all product costs
- -or- add per-product costs to other shipping methods
This is a fantastic solution if your store is selling one-off, heavy or large products which require additional shipping unlike the rest of your catalog, or if you only have a few products with set shipping fees.  Updated: 2019-06-07  Developed by: WooThemes  Normal price: 79.00 Note: Technical support not included. If you’d like to be supported, please purchase the full version.
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