YITH WooCommerce Affiliates Premium



YITH WooCommerce Affiliates Premium allows you to manage affiliates, commissions and payments. You have designed a modern and functional e-commerce shop where you sell quality products at competitive prices. Yet, no one knows your website and visits are running low as well as the orders: in practise, you are the owner of a wonderful shop hidden in a low traffic street. What you need can be summarized in one word: visibility. Think of third parties sharing your products on their sites, thus giving them more visibility: you would certainly turn more visits into a huge increase in sales, with no effort and in exchange of a commission – that you set – on the price of sold items. A partnership that only makes winners!

Create an affiliate programme so that both you and your affiliates can earn more and get visibility on your sites

If you are looking for a way of advertising your products and increasing the number of your sales, but you don’t know how to, if you ran out of ideas or you have already posted ads on every blog, then make other people and bloggers advertise your products on their websites. If they can help you sell your products in exchange for a commission on each sale, you can be sure they will actively help you promoting them. Setting up an affiliation programme has never been so easy since YITH WooCommerce Affiliates will help you automate this entire process.

Many affiliate programs fail because commisions are only paid if customers purchase a product of yours right after reaching your website, thus running the risk of rendering the entire affiliation system pointless. Thanks to YITH WooCommerce Affiliates you won’t run this risk: the plugin will allow you to choose how long affiliates will keep receiving commissions from the users reached through their links.

Admins will have full control of their affiliates thanks to detailed click reports generated by each single link, giving you the chance to choose whether you wish to pay commissions manually or set up an automatic payment system. You can also set up different commissionrates based on the product or user, allowing you to create a custom automated affiliation system starting now, using an esponential advertising system that will increase your sales.


  • All features of the free version
  • Automatic payment of commissions when a set amount (threshold) has been reached
  • Automatic payment of commissions on a specific month day and/or when threshold earnings are reached
  • Detailed report of clicks generated from referrers in a summarising table with main information and their conversion status
  • Specify a different commission rate for each product and/or user
  • Affiliate history for single order
  • When the order is completed, the commission can be assigned to:
    • last affiliate who led user to the site
    • first affiliate associated with user on a permanent basis
  • Enable email notification to administrator and affiliate user
  • Advanced report with commission statistics generated in the store
  • Set the time lapse after which a visit from the same user has to be counted as a new click
  • Require administrator approval for enabling a new affiliate user
  • Payment of commissions by PayPal
  • Refer id generated by the commission can be included in the url query string to which user has been redirected or from a code user inserting during the checkout
  • Affiliate can register by the plugin registration form or by any other registration form provided in the store


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