Elegant Themes EPhoto



I have finished a new theme today titled ePhoto. You can view the live demo and features page for more details. This is a photography theme, but can certainly be used to showcase other digital imagery as well. The idea behind this theme was to give the photos themselves to most prominence. I tried to keep the layout clear and simple while at the same time spicing things up a bit with jQuery effects. The theme comes with three widgetized areas. The footer, where the Featured, Random and Rated images are being displayed is widget ready. You can remove each of the featured, random and rated photo displays individually via the Theme Options Page to make room for footer widgets. Both the sidebar on the homepage (where the about me box is) as well as the sidebar on post/index pages are also widgetized. With this theme I made sure to include the ability to create a blog section that is separate from the photos display. Creating your blog and adding it to the theme is easy, and is handled through the ePhoto Theme Options page. Just create a category called “Blog,” enable the Blog navigation link in the options page and you’re all set. Any posts added to the blog category are removed from the photo pages. The blog section and blog posts have been customized with a more blog-oriented layout, focusing on content rather than the images. The theme comes with all the standard features that frequent my collection. I have also integrated the upgraded theme options page from eBusiness to insure a userfriendly experience. That about sums it up. I hope everyone is doing well! On a side-note, I am looking to hire someone with css/xhtml/php/wordpress experience to help me out in the forums. If you are interested be sure to send me an email. One of my main goals in the coming months will be to improve forum responds time and create more in-depth theme documentation and tutorials. Getting some more people on board is the first step!


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